
Hello, today I will talk to you about the job I aspire to after finishing my degree. However, talking about the job I want in this context is something difficult, because the national and international economy was very deteriorated by the COVID-19. It´s probably that I will work in other area, not related to my university degree. But today I will be optimistic to write this post.

As you know, I am a student of Theory and History of Art at the University of Chile. For that reason, I have a great affinity for academic research work. In particular, for conceptual research on aesthetics and philosophy. It is an indoor activity that does not demand too much travel, but requires a lot of reflection and reading, two difficult activities to do in this contexts. My favorite place to work are libraries, where I can access books that I don't have in my library and where I can study in peace.

To be honest, I am not looking to enrich myself with my profession. I will probably depend on low-paying state and private projects. Only doctoral scholarships (Becas Chile, Conicyt, Fondecyt) are well paid. The rest depends on the contacts that you can have in the academic institutions. However, having enough money to cover my living expenses is enough for me. The rest is granted by other unpaid personal activities.


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